Construction Services
Ecological support can be critical to achieve legislative compliance and for maintaining programmes and budgets once a project enters the construction phase. From discharging Planning Conditions, preparing Management Plans and detailed licence applications for protected species, to providing site supervision and ad-hoc advice, we provide a whole-life service to our clients in the form of positive and practical advice with technical expertise.
Our pragmatic approach is matched to your project and site, drawing on a wealth of experience gained from our hands-on involvement with energy, infrastructure and commercial construction schemes across the UK. We have provided Ecological Clerks of Work, Environmental Managers and Project Ecologists for housing and industrial developments, road schemes, grid connections, solar parks and wind farms, amongst others.
We work with our clients to achieve project aims, including implementing Construction Environmental Management Plans, Environmental Management Systems and protected species licence requirements.
We understand that work plans often change, and have the experience to provide solutions and maintain valuable relationships with statutory regulators, local authorities and local groups.