Claudia Garratt

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PhD BSc (Hons) | Principal Ecologist

Claudia is an experienced professional ecologist, specialising in onshore wind developments. She has overseen, prepared and contributed to numerous impact assessments for large scale wind farm and infrastructure projects including life extensions and repowers. She regularly undertakes consultation with statutory and non-statutory consultees and believes in building strong relationships with stakeholders to provide the best possible outcomes for projects. Claudia is an experienced project manager, and has managed the delivery of ecology and ornithology services for development, construction and operational phase projects, including client and stakeholder liaison, survey planning and logistics, managing budgets and technical reporting. In addition to ecological impact assessments, she is experienced in habitats regulations appraisal and assessments and appropriate assessment. She has provided expert witness testimony relating to ornithology at public inquiry. Claudia has extensive experience in the design and implementation of habitat management plans and monitoring strategies for operational wind farms, including ongoing review and dynamic management based on up-to-date research evidence.