Project Description
Environmental DNA (eDNA) surveys
Avian Ecology were one of the first consultancies to conduct countrywide environmental DNA (eDNA) surveys for great crested newts across England and Wales. As soon as this new survey method was approved by Natural England (NE) and Natural Resources Wales (NRW) in 2014, we offered our clients this service, with potentially significant cost and programme benefits. In many cases this has substantially reduced field survey requirements when informing a planning application; however because eDNA may not be the most-cost effective or appropriate approach for all projects, we provide bespoke guidance on eDNA surveys and advice on our website. Over the course of the first season (April to June 2014), we surveyed over 150 ponds using the eDNA method and were the first consultancy to undertake commercial scale eDNA surveys in Wales. eDNA is now set to become the standard methodology for many pre-application surveys and we will continue to provide our clients early access to similar innovations as they become commercially viable.