Project Description
Urban Regeneration | Greater Manchester
We have recently completed several urban regeneration projects within Greater Manchester and the North West region.
At West Gorton, we undertook bat roost assessments on a large number of properties prior to their demolition; ensuring work was legally compliant and could go ahead without any risk to bats. We also provided a Code of Sustainable Homes (CfSH) ecology assessment, maximising the credits available in order to achieve a Code Level 4. As part of our continuing support on the project we are producing a Landscape and Ecological Management Plan and ecological advisory services to help discharge planning conditions.
For a building restoration and re-development project at Piccadilly Gardens in central Manchester, we carried out bat roost surveys, and specialist surveys for the rare and protected black redstart, a bird known to breed locally. Our surveys provided the key information needed to satisfy the planning authority and the Greater Manchester Ecology Unit and allowed development to proceed within the shortest possible time frame.