Constructed Large Scale Wind Farm | Kent New Rides Wind Farm, located on the Isle of Sheppey in North Kent, comprises four wind turbines located in a unique setting adjacent to an RSPB nature reserve and close to an internationally designated site for birds. The area supports large numbers of waterfowl, raptors and breeding waders, [...]

Overhead Line Networks | North Shropshire
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Construction Services, Planning Services
Overhead Line Network | North Shropshire This £18 million Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project for SP Energy Networks comprises a new 21km overhead electricity line intended to reinforce the electricity network in North Shropshire. Working with a project team responsible for the Development Consent Order submission to the Planning Inspectorate, Avian Ecology undertook a suite [...]
BREEAM/CfSH Assessments | North West
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Construction Services, Planning Services
BREEAM/CfSH Assessments | North West We provided a Suitably Qualified Ecologist (SQE) to help achieve the allocation of BREEAM Ecology Credits for a large industrial development on a former brownfield site. This included consultations with the local planning authority, advising on mitigation measures landscape planting and ongoing site management, including selecting a variety of native [...]
Ecological Clerk of Works | Hampshire
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Construction Services, Innovation & Monitoring
Ecological Clerk of Works | Hampshire Working directly with the developer and their agent on this large solar development, we have provided a range of services from project conception through to the discharge of planning conditions. This has involved stakeholder discussions, a Habitat Management Plan (HMP), and inputs into a Tree Protection Plan and Environmental [...]